Tuesday 7 April 2015

Diabetes Mellitus Patients Need to Maintain Healthy Skin

Diabetes Mellitus Patients Need to Maintain Healthy Skin
Hasil gambar untuk gambar kaki lukaIf a person suffering from diabetes mellitus, the skin health is a matter that must be maintained. High and low blood sugar levels for people with diabetes mellitus cause skin problems such as dry and itchy skin, wounds that are difficult to heal, infections of the skin area of ​​the wounded, and others. So that the skin care should be done for patients with diabetes mellitus as follows.A. Caring for Leather1. Keep the skin is always clean and kept dry    Keeping the skin is always clean and kept dry, especially in the folds as susceptible to irritation, infected   with fungi and bacteria2. As much as possible avoid bathing by wading and using water Panasa, because the skin will be dry so young feel itchy3. Use a mild soap and apply moisturizer on skin areas that often feels dry, except daeraha folds arise that would lead to fungal infections.4. Consult your dermatologist if found abnormalities in skin irritation and fungal infections in particular.B. Overcoming Wounds that do not healPeople with diabetes often have deep wounds in his leg, which is often called ulcers and difficult to heal, to the necessary attention to the following matters:1. Keep your blood sugar levels so that a stable and not too high because it will make the blood vessels become stiff and narrow.2. Refinement and rigidity of blood vessels reduces blood flow, nutrients and oxygen to the wound, so that the wound is slow to heal.3. Disruption of blood flow and high sugar levels damage the peripheral nerves so that patients feel numbness or numbness in the hands and feet.4. wounds in patients with diabetes mellitus are prone to infection.Ulcer Disease In Diabetes MellitusUlcer is one skin disease that is often suffered by patients with diabetes mellitus. Patients with diabetes mellitus uncontrolled high blood sugar can even suffer large ulcers in large quantities.Fungus Infection on SkinFungal infections of the skin often suffered by patients with diabetes mellitus, especially the blood sugar levels are not controlled. Things that can increase the risk of fungal infections of the skin is moist skin condition, lack of immune either due to old age, taking certain medications, or uncontrolled diabetes mellitus.


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